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Warrior Elite Ops MOLLE Horizontal Velcro MOLLE Panel M4 POUCH for LPC, RPC, DCS, RCR and FCR (4 COLORS)Warrior Assault Systems Horizontal Velcro Mag Pouch has been designed to be compatible with the full range of Warriors armour…
Warrior Elite Ops MOLLE Triple Velcro Mag Pouch for M4 - 5.56mm Mags. For use with W-EO-CPC (3 COLORS)Warriors TVMP is designed to be attached to the front of Warriors CPC carrier via Velcro and allows and additional 3 x 5.56mm…
Warrior Elite Ops MOLLE Removable Triple Elastic Mag Pouch for RPC & LPC (3 COLORS)The DFP-TEMP is a removable MOLLE Front Panel which attaches on the front of Warriors Recon Carrier (RPC via the 2 Vertical SQM clips). TEMP…
Warrior Elite Ops MOLLE Detachable Front Panel Plain for RPC & LPC (3 COLORS) The RPC & LPC removable MOLLE Front Panel attaches via the 2 Vertical SQM clips on the front of the RPC. You can now configure your additional panel…